by administrator | Jun 1, 2022 | Google
Imagine your disappointment after clicking on a Google Shopping ad for a product you were excited to buy, only to find a different price on the website product page, or even worse, on the checkout page. This is the exact experience Google Shopping aims to prevent. On...
by | Oct 25, 2021 | Google
If you’re an eCommerce marketer running Google Shopping campaigns, you’re probably focused on optimizing your feeds and Google Ads. Despite everything these platforms can do, there is one fatal flaw. By relying only on these two platforms to inform your online...
by administrator | May 17, 2021 | Data Feeds, Google
Ecommerce marketing channels are constantly evolving, which means that your product feeds need to be highly responsive and accurate to adhere to the ever-changing standards of different channels.Without proper validation, optimization, and compliance, you run the risk...
by | Jan 2, 2021 | Google
For consumers, Google’s trademark search engine has become the most effective means of finding everything from luxury fashion to details about the weather outside. For retailers, Google Shopping Actions can be just as powerful in the ongoing search for new customers....
by | Aug 10, 2020 | Google
Are you finding it time-consuming to manage multiple Google My Business listings for all of your store locations? Discover why your Google My Business information should always be up-to-date and learn how to update multiple store listings at once to allow people to...
by | Jun 30, 2020 | Google
In the world of Google Shopping campaigns, Missing GTINs and MPNs in your product feed used to mean mass product disapprovals in your Google Merchant Center (GMC) account. The rules around these Unique Product Identifiers in GMC have changed. Find out which countries...